Jerzy Rubach, Ph.D.
Research Interests
- Phonology
- Slavic languages
- Germanic languages
- Historical linguistics
Current Courses
- LING:1030 - English Words
- LING:3080 - History of the English Language
- LING:6020 - Phonological Theory
Current Research Projects
- Palatalization in Optimality Theory
- Syllable structure in Optimality Theory
- Glides
Recent Publications
- Kurpiowska ortografia ‘Kurpian Orthography’ (2019), Ostrołęka: Związek Kurpiów.
- Kurpiowska deklinacja ‘Kurpian Declension’, (2017), Ostrołęka: Związek Kurpiów.
- Kurpiowska koniugacja ‘Kurpian Conjugation’ (2016), Ostrołęka: Związek Kurpiów.
Peer-reviewed Articles
- Chain Effects in Kurpian. Journal of Linguistics 56 (2020), 663-690.
- Surface Velar Palatalization in Polish. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 37:4 (2019), 1421-1462.
- Three Arguments for Underspecified Representations. Studies in Polish Linguistics 14 (2019). 191-217.
- Rubach, Jerzy and Tomasz Łuszczek (co-authors). (2019). The vowel system of Podhale Goralian. Research in Language 17. 105–126
- Liquid Lowering in Kurpian. Journal of Linguistics 54 (2018), 1-34.
- Derivational Meanders of High Vowel Palatalization. Lingua 199 (2017) 1-26.
- Derived Imperfective Tensing in Kurpian. PSICL 53 (2017) 251-280.
- Polish Yers: Representation and Analysis, Journal of Linguistics 52 (2016), 421-466.
- Soft Labial Conspiracy in Kurpian, Journal of Linguistics 50 (2014), 185-230.
- Final Tensing in Kurpian, Studies in Polish Linguistics 9 (2014), 45-65.
- Exceptional Segments in Polish, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 31 (2013), 1139-1162.
- The Vocalic System of Kurpian, Studies in Polish Linguistics 6 (2011), 81-98.
- Syllabic Repairs in Macedonian, Lingua 121 (2011), 237-268.
- Prevocalic Faithfulness, Phonology 25 (2008), 433-468.
- Palatal Nasal Decomposition in Slovene, Upper Sorbian and Polish, Journal of Linguistics 44 (2008), 169-204.
- An Overview of Lexical Phonology, Language and Linguistics Compass 2 (2008), 456-477.
- “Feature Geometry from the Perspective of Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian”, Linguistic Inquiry 38 (2007), 85-138.
- Mid Vowel Fronting in Ukrainian, Phonology 22 (2005), 1-36.
- Derivation in Optimality Theory: A Reply to Burzio, Linguistic Inquiry 35 (2004), 656-670.
- Duke-of-York Derivations in Polish, Linguistic Inquiry 34 (2003), 601-629.
- Polish Palatalization in Derivational Optimality Theory, Lingua 113 (2003), 197-237.
- Against Subsegmental Glides, Linguistic Inquiry 33 (2002), 672-687.
- Rubach, Jerzy and Geert E. Booij (co-authors). Allomorphy in Optimality Theory: Polish Iotation, Language 77 (2001), 26-60.
- Backness Switch in Russian, Phonology 17 (2000); 39-64.
- Glide and Glottal Stop Insertion in Slavic Languages: A DOT Analysis, Linguistic Inquiry 31 (2000), 271-317
Research areas
- Phonology